why you need a mobile kinesiologist

Have you ever asked yourself, why do I need a mobile Kinesiologist?

Simple Answer, it’s convenient and saves time from having to drive to a clinic through traffic. Perhaps you have had a Physiotherapist or Chiropractor assess and diagnose the injury and now you need time to rest at home but would like to begin your rehabilitation at home and need 1-on-1 feedback from a kinesiologist to administer prescribed exercises.

Look no further, our trained, educated and experienced Kinesiologists come to your home with equipment needed to prescribe and demonstrate rehabilitation exercises for understanding. As well, provide feedback on movement correction. All kinesiologists working for TheraQin Movement Clinic are registered with the British Columbia Association of Kinesiologists.

Are You Discharged from the Hospital After a Total Hip (THR) or Knee (TKR/Ligament Replacement) Surgery and NEED to get going with the Surgeon’s Exercises? Allow our experienced kinesiologists to review exercises prescribed by surgeons and ensure that your goals are met each week. We will help regain your previous mobility levels and decrease previous pain pre-operatively and improve quality of life and independence.

Have YOU or YOUR family member suffered a major cardiovascular or brain trauma?

Speed is of the essence for post trauma injuries or diseases. Improving overall fitness and functional fitness movement will assist in maintaining Active Daily Living (ADLs). We help with Strength and Balance Improvement with the following:

  • Repetition of movement and training will improve muscle memory and skill progression. Without practice, repetition, skill progression, muscle shortening (contracture; stiffness of the muscles) and loss (atrophy) is inevitable

  • Improving static and dynamic balance through weight bearing training

  • Specific strength training for muscles above and below weak joint lines will improve imbalances and allow you to regain a baseline

  • Improve neuromuscular strength through rehabilitation exercises 

Using a mobile Kinesiology service can dramatically improve your pain and injury management. Don’t hesitate to reach out to find out how we can help you out today! Email at info@theraqinmovement.com.

Cameron Quon
Founder - Kinesiologist/ MPT
Moving Towards Wellness


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