Frequently asked questions.

What is TheraQin Movement Clinic’s cancellation policy?

You may cancel a session with at least 24-12 hours notice. A session that is canceled after the deadline will be charged at the FULL RATE or HALF RATE of the session. Therapist will have final decision regarding if notification from client is received or notified within the time frame. To cancel, call 604-785-3607 or email: during clinic hours.

What are the clinic hours?

Therapists can be scheduled between the hours of 08:30-20:30 OR special accommodations can be made if both parties are in agreement.

Do I book an Initial Assessment or Subsequent 30/45/60 minutes session?

If you are a new client, OR you have not seen one of our therapists for a long period of time (condition or injury may need to be re-assessed) or are having a new injury assessed, THEN you will be prompted to book for an initial assessment. 

If you have been assessed by our therapists, you will be advised by the team to book for a 30/45/60 minute session based after the discussion.

What Types of clients do we serve?

  • Post Stroke

  • Acute Injury Rehabilitation

  • Hip/Knee Replacement

  • Falls Prevention

  • Return to Sport

  • Strength Training

  • Healthy Practice

  • Active Rehabilitation

  • Parkinson’s Disease

  • Return to Work Improvement

  • Sport Specific Training

How much does each session cost?

Check out our services and costs here.

Is the 15 minute video consultation or phone consultation FREE?

YES! I recommend a quick video call or phone consultation to discuss any concerns or questions you may have. Discussion regarding whether our services will align with your questions and whether we can be of assistance.

Do we take WCB, ICB or extended health care claims?

As of now, we are not taking claims for the above listed. We will provide you with invoices for our sessions that can be applied to your taxes at years end.

Do I need a referral from a doctor or physiotherapist?

No, but if you have any reports, scans or official diagnoses that can aid in creating a specific active rehabilitation progression is applied.

How many sessions will I need to book?

All injuries and clinical diagnoses are different, comparatively every person progresses and recovers at various rates. A time frame can be provided based on each injury presentation.

How do I prepare for the first assessment and subsequent appointments?

  • Arrive on time, if you are late, you are taking away from your own assessment/treatment time

  • Wear comfortable clothing for assessment and active rehabilitation

  • If you have a low back, hip, or knee injury, wear shorts

  • If you have a shoulder injury, wear a loose fitting t-shirt or tank top

  • If you have any doctor, physiotherapy reports, please bring them with you

  • Bring a list of questions you would like to discuss

Can I rent a Game Ready Unit from TQMC?

YES! Please email:

What does the Game Ready Unit do?

It is a cold therapy machine that works by circulating water through an ice reservoir. The reservoir connects to a wrap that provides consistent, cold compression around a body part which may help to reduce swelling, pain and inflammation. These units are used by physicians, athletic trainers, and physiotherapists. Learn more.